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Avalon Health and Safety Precautions

The Avalon has established plans, protocols, and precautions to ensure the health and safety of both staff and patrons.

Updated: May 23, 2023

Starting May 23, the Avalon’s Safety Policy will be:

• All Days: Masks Optional; No capacity restrictions in either auditorium.


Updated: March 22, 2023

Starting March 31, the Avalon’s Safety Policy will be:

• Friday through Wednesday: Masks Optional (but recommended); No capacity restrictions in either auditorium.
• Thursdays: Mask Required; Capacity limits in each auditorium to make socially distanced seating possible.

Capacity Limits / Socially Distant Seating
• Dynamic socially distanced reserved seating: Our ticketing system will automatically buffer occupied/purchased seats with a one-seat buffer left and right between occupied/purchased seats on Thursdays.
• Capacity restrictions will be reviewed weekly for the foreseeable future and are subject to change.


Updated: December 23, 2022

Effective immediately, The Avalon’s Mask Policy is:

• Masks Optional (but recommended): Friday through Wednesday
• Mask Required: Thursdays

Capacity Limits / Socially Distant Seating
• We have established capacity limits in each auditorium to make socially distanced seating possible.
• Capacity restrictions will be reviewed weekly for the foreseeable future and are subject to change.
• Dynamic socially distanced reserved seating: Our ticketing system will automatically buffer occupied/purchased seats with a one-seat buffer left and right between occupied/purchased seats.


Updated: December 12, 2022

Starting Friday, December 23, 2022, the Avalon’s Mask Policy is changing as follows:

• Masks Optional (but recommended): Friday through Wednesday
• Mask Required: Thursdays

Capacity Limits / Socially Distant Seating
• We have established capacity limits in each auditorium to make socially distanced seating possible.
• Capacity restrictions will be reviewed weekly for the foreseeable future and are subject to change.
• Dynamic socially distanced reserved seating: Our ticketing system will automatically buffer occupied/purchased seats as below:
• A one-seat buffer left and right between occupied/purchased seats.


Updated: July 15, 2022
Starting Friday, July 15, the Avalon is no longer requiring proof of vaccination to gain entry to the theater.

Updated: June 20, 2022
Starting Friday, July 15, the Avalon will no longer require proof of vaccination to gain entry to the theater. The Avalon strongly recommends that all its patrons be vaccinated. The Avalon staff is vaccinated. Masks must continue to be worn in all areas of the theater and may only be taken off when eating or drinking in the auditorium. Dynamic socially distanced reserve seating will continue to provide a buffer between parties in both auditoriums. Please see the “Remaining Distant” section below for the specific protocol used in our two auditoriums.

Updated: Dec 28, 2021
There are no changes to our vaccination or mask policies as described in detail below at this time. Please see alterations to our Social Distance seating policy below in the “Remaining Distant” Section.

Updated: Nov 19, 2021
The Avalon’s existing policies are still in place. There are no changes to our vaccination, mask, or social distancing policies as described in detail below at this time.

Updated: Sep 10, 2021
NEW POLICY: The Avalon Now REQUIRES PROOF OF VACCINATION for All In-person Screenings and Events

As the Delta variant drives a rapid increase in local cases, and with thoughtful consideration and positive feedback from our community, as of Friday, September 10 the Avalon requires proof of COVID-19 vaccination and a valid ID for all screenings and events at the theater. Both of these items must be presented for admission in person when you arrive at the theater. Results from COVID testing will not be accepted.

Proof of vaccination may include:

•Your CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card
•A legible copy of the CDC Card on your phone
•Other digital proof of the vaccine.

Based on the state in which you received the vaccine, you may access proof of your immunization at the following websites:


All Avalon staff are vaccinated.

This policy and other COVID safety measures will be reassessed regularly and updated as required based on CDC and local guidelines & recommendations.

EXEMPTIONS: Children under 12 who cannot yet be vaccinated may attend, provided they are accompanied by a fully-vaccinated adult and adhere to our mask policy.

Masks must continue to be worn at all times when inside the theater.

To help provide a safer environment throughout the building, we made the following significant improvements:

• Improved air purification: we’ve updated our main HVAC system with high MERV-rated filters and purchased stand-alone UVC air purifier units for the restrooms and café;
• Expanded our normal cleaning protocols for even more thorough surface cleaning and sanitation including daily electrostatic misting of all public spaces;
• Installed hand sanitizer stations throughout the theater;
• Implemented a new ticketing system designed for socially distanced reserved seating and contactless purchase of tickets.

Below, you’ll find more information on the health and safety precautions we’ve implemented at the Avalon for you and our staff. Please review them, and please don’t hesitate to contact us at with any questions.


Staff Health and Safety Precautions

• All Avalon staff are required to be vaccinated.
• Before coming to work, staff will self-monitor for fever or other symptoms of COVID-19. They will not come to work if experiencing any symptoms, or if they have been in contact with someone with COVID-19.
• Staff will wear masks at all times when interacting with, or in proximity to, each other and the public.

Patron Health and Safety Precautions

New Ticketing System
The Avalon has implemented a new ticketing system with several timely features that will facilitate contactless entry and socially distanced seating including:

• Online reserved seating that ensures that each patron or group of patrons are socially distanced in the theater
• Member online purchase of their discounted member tickets
• Contactless credit card processing

All patrons must wear appropriate masks properly, over nose and mouth, except when eating and drinking in one’s theater seat. Per the CDC, appropriate masks meet the following criteria:

• Two or more layers of breathable fabric
• Completely cover nose and mouth
• Fit snugly against the side of the face and do not have gaps
• Masks with any sort of valve and gaiters are NOT appropriate.

Anyone unwilling to wear a mask or removing their mask (except when eating or drinking in their seat) — or unwilling to wear a mask properly — will be denied entry or required to leave. Please bring a clean, appropriate mask with you. If you do not have such a mask with you, we will provide one.

Remaining Distant
• We have established capacity limits in each auditorium to make socially distanced seating possible. (Updated 4/1/22)
• Capacity restrictions will be reviewed weekly for the foreseeable future and are subject to change.
• Dynamic socially distanced reserved seating: our ticketing system will automatically buffer occupied/purchased seats as below: (Updated 4/1/21, starting 4/1/22)

Auditorium 1
• A one-seat buffer left and right between occupied/purchased seats.

Auditorium 2
• A one-seat buffer left and right between occupied/purchased seats.

• Please arrive on time for your screening. Late arrivals cannot be accommodated.
• For safety’s sake, we ask patrons not to linger in the lobby before or after screenings.

Avalon Café and Concession Purchases
• Plexiglass dividers have been installed at the cafe counter to separate patrons and staff.
• A stand alone air purifier has been installed in the café.
• All tables and chairs have been removed from the café to free up more space for patrons to line up at appropriate distances.
• Items that were previously self-serve, such as butter topping, salt, straws, and napkins, will now be provided by the Avalon staff upon request.
• There will be no refills of popcorn or fountain drinks.
• All concessions items must be consumed only while seated in the auditorium.
• Patrons are asked to take their concessions trash with them when leaving a screening and to dispose of it in the trash cans provided near theater exits.
• The café area will be cleaned and sanitized at regular intervals.
• Refreshments purchased outside of the Avalon are not permitted in the theater.

• We have installed air purifiers with HEPA filters and UV-C virus elimination lights in all restrooms.
• All restrooms have paper towel dispensers.
• Restrooms will be cleaned and sanitized by staff during and after each screening.

Building Sanitation Precautions
• Both theaters and all public spaces will be sprayed with an electrostatic mister at the end of each day.
• The lobby, box office, and restrooms will be cleaned after each screening has started, and the concessions area will be cleaned at frequent and regular intervals.
• Hand-sanitizing stations are available throughout the theater building.
• All staff and patrons will wear masks.
• Patrons may only remove masks when eating or drinking in their seats in each auditorium.
• Stand-alone air purifiers have been installed in all restrooms and the café.

Admission: $15.00 Adults, $11.50 Matinee Bargain Shows, $11.75 Seniors (62+), $10.00 Child (12 & under), Student and Military, $10.50 Avalon Members, $9.50 Seniors who are Avalon Members.
Same rates apply to Wednesday Signature Series and Science on Screen programs unless otherwise noted. Weekend Family Matinees, Exhibition on Screen, NT Live and Special Event ticket prices vary; senior discounts may not be available for these programs.

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Copyright © 2025 The Avalon Theatre Project, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Avalon Theatre Project, Inc. • 5612 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20015 • Box Office: (202) 966-3464

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